About Us
Wow! We are so glad you are here to learn about us. We want to know more about you as well but that time will come and the time is near. We love coaching our clients through all kinds of different issues and we cannot wait to hear from you!
All About Us: Joseph C. Kreps and Changing Your Life, LLC
To tell you all about us would take the better part of 50 webpages. But we are going to give it our best shot! Joseph C. Kreps with Changing Your Life, LLC has worn many hats over his lifetime but the one that he takes the most pride in is certainly being a Lifetime Learner. This translates into a Kindle Library going strong at over 1800 titles as well as a massive personal library of books. Kreps also has an Audible book collection of 1,000’s of titles. Wait... if we are telling you all about us then we must mention that almost all of the Kindle, physical and audible books are definitely "self-help" titles. Even rising to the level of a self-help addiction and the battle to shatter some long-held harmful and false beliefs.
Preparing Along the Way
In 2006-2007, when Joseph C. Kreps and his precious wife Carrie were expecting their first child (and of course from a book he was reading), Kreps had the idea to be pro-active in the development of parenting skills so that he and his wife could be the best parents they possible could. So, they sought the help and guidance of a Doctorate level clinical psychologist and have been seeing him individually, together as a couple, with kids, and with just about every other family member since that date. At the time of their first appointment, it was opined, "I haven't really ever had anyone come to me proactively. Most people get here because the problems are already there. And sometimes, it is too late." I now know it is never too late.
A Desire for Life Coaching and Executive Coaching is Born
The thousands of hours of studying, listening to and reading self-help books, counseling and psychotherapy that Kreps has personally received have been very instrumental to his development as a person and as a life coach. But something was still lacking. There was a missing piece to the puzzle - a void so to speak. And that void was filled when Kreps had his first life and executive coaching session with his first coach who was on the other side of the country. It was amazing! So much different than counseling and psychotherapy and in a beautiful way. Let's get this straight since we are telling you all about us - this all about us would be very different without the counseling and therapy and Kreps' personal coaches that he has had along the way. As a matter of fact, I have no doubt that I would be divorced and dead without the people in my life.
Kreps decided it was time for him to take the leap as well and was first certified as a business coach in 2009. Kreps is a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Professional Recovery Coach as well as a Certified Financial Counselor through the Lampo Group founded by Dave Ramsey in the Nashville, Tennessee area. The reason that Kreps started his coaching practice is because he was tired of watching others - individuals and business owners - suffer unnecessarily because of mistakes that they were making in their lives or their business and the inability to set goals and have accountability as it relates to those goals. Don’t get me wrong - I am far from perfect - but I work on it every day and I know based on my own life experience, business experience and 16+ years of practicing law how people work and what motivates them and how best to help them.
Walking the Walk - More About Us
Joseph C. Kreps has also been operating a very successful and thriving law practice for 16+ years. Kreps is licensed to practice law in the state of Alabama and started coaching because of the internal fire and passion he had to help other people.
The only reason that we have a coaching practice is because we want to help people. In order for people and businesses to succeed, there has to be specific goals and a specific plan to achieve those goals and that is what our coaching practice will assist you with. Call us today.
Over more than the last decade, I have learned how essential coaching is in running a successful business. In order to accelerate your success, I have found in my own experience in running a multi-million dollar business that coaching is where the changes take place. The safe space in a coaching relationship and the lack of criticism and judgment is exactly what people need in order to thrive. The accountability in a coaching relationship is second to none and it is not a magic pill or a one-size-fits-all but is tailored to the needs of the specific client.
When I started to see the shifts and the success that I was having as a result of coaching, I wanted the same for people that I meet and come in contact with that are struggling in their personal lives or businesses or just want to make a great thing even better. That is why I successfully completed a small business coaching certification in 2009, later becoming a Certified Professional Coach and a certified professional recovery coach and here we are.
The real question is not why coaching but why not? If you have a desire to succeed and you want to catapult your life and your business forward, there's nothing worse than doing nothing. All you have to do to begin the conversation with us about our coaching practice and your business is give us a call. Our online recovery coaching services are second to none and Kreps has helped 1,000s of people over his lifetime deal with alcohol, drug and other addiction issues in order to find the hope and peace that comes from getting sober and staying sober.
Learning from a pro
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had someone as your personal, recovery or business coach who knew exactly what you were facing!
There are personal coach services available throughout the world. Some good and some not so good. Here’s some of the promises others will make:
Learn new skills
Handle any challenge
Become a leader
Don’t be fooled. Selecting a business coach requires that you find a coach that really understands where you’re coming from. More importantly you need someone who understands the ins and outs of the business world. A coach who has been in the trenches from start-up to expansion, someone who can read a spread-sheet or a contract.
What is coaching and how can you really put it into action? Coaching is just what it implies: an individual or group whose sole purpose it is to help you achieve your very best.
Maybe you feel that you’ve peaked, or so it seems. You know there’s more but the challenges you’re facing surpass your energy to get it done. Where do you turn to get back on track? This is the most opportune time to go looking for a business coach. Someone who can return to you control over the events of your life.
What should I be looking for in a coach? To start with if you’re a successful business person, looking to make your success even greater, you need a coach that understands what challenges you’re facing day in and day out.
What makes Changing Your Life, LLC a different kind of coaching option? Quite simply we use only the cream of the crop, peer counselors. Where other coaching programs often provide you with slogans and half-filled promises we guarantee that your personal coaches are people who know exactly the challenges you face and are prepared to help you understand the power you have within yourself.
To learn more about coaching in general and what makes Changing Your Life, LLC unique - call us TODAY at (800) 618-5580. Let the Certified Professional Coaches at Changing Your Life, LLC show you how you can improve your life and your business. We’ll teach you how to optimize your marketing and get more while doing less.